Correspondence from Bertha Busch to Gerald Yorke




Karlsruherstrasse 2.




November 15, 1931.



My Darling Boy


Thanks ever so much for the £5 you send to me, it was a relief—You are real pal for me. I only wish you could achieve my point in life—not [illegible] the real thing—you surely could get on to people—[illegible] if you drop your sentimental [?] objections—this German [illegible] is perfectly honest—we want the people to do only what they have done with Shakespeare or Oscar Wilde—The people are [illegible]—it only needs to persuade them, to put the money up. I am nearly [illegible]—not to be able to go about—You can tell your people with a clear conscience that [illegible]—If you would listen to your mind—You go around and get people to join a us—don't you see how despaired I am?—I am trying and trying but I can not get a success until I can be [illegible]. I have got to a Lady who has inherited quite a lot of money—and is willing to give but it all needs bluff—I am going to much here and she thinks I can [illegible] the problem [?]. Do your best to get on her people. I am doing it over here.


All my love for my adopted Son,


Your mother Bill.



Bill is dead right on one point. Your Aunt in Chichester needs a swift kick in the pants! Periodical [?] records!!—with millions starving all over the world—666.


