Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Karlsruherstrasse 2. Berlin-Halensee.
16 Nov. [1931].
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Glad to have yours.
N/A properly interpreted will make a first-class motto, leading to Binah.
You distress your Father acutely when you annunciate legal opinions. I bet you half a pound of Perique that you don't know the meaning of the word DOMICIL—this is not equivalent to "domicile": and the whole case depends on this. I have the latest decision of the British Courts to guide me.
Why don't you call on E. S. P. Haynes? (6 New Sq Lincoln's Lane). He might well put up a few thousand to make me in Germany—if only to annoy the Catholics. Do try him!
You know you ought to be at it day and night. We have six weeks at the most now, bar absolute miracles, to avert complete catastrophe. Germer [Karl Germer] wrote that he would pay the rent till Dec 15; and he will probably be O.K. as soon as Cora [Cora Eaton] is ditched in Leipzig. Then it will be up to us to help him: I think he can hold down a routine job, and I can give him one if Krako [Jacques Krako] comes across. But we must weigh down Bill [Bertha Busch] with pearls and diamonds—she is, as Solomon noticed, above rubies—if we are to get Krako going properly. Anglice, she does need a couple of frocks.
What's wrong with Regardie [Israel Regardie]? He has retired into the Sanctuary of Silence for months now? And here is Ullstein howling for short stories—and R[egardie] has the MSS!
It's really too bad! with £1000 we could have our G.H.Q. [Grand Headquarters] going really strong for 6 months. Bill would be her own gay self again, and do her stuff. In the meanwhile, having no money for other forms of scientific research, she examines me all the time for Impotence. She doesn't agree with G.W.P.