Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Karlsruherstrasse 2. Berlin-Halensee.
Nov 20 [1931].
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
I return Neophyte paper: please send duplicate for file.
I agree with every word of your letter to Bill [Bertha Busch]; bar one point. The A plan is not investing money in Germany. We don't expect to get money from this country; but for Germany to give a lead to England and America. E.g. I would sell German rights of a Mortaldello film for a song—anything to be hailed here as a [illegible] or what not.
Just as you might buy a peerage from Baldwin to get your money back by marriage with a coronet-seeking millionaire.
But it's very good indeed that you should have so clear an understanding of the plans.
You need not worry about my relations with the A∴A∴ I got very definite encouragement on Aug 1— did Magick—and met Bill two days later. But remember that some methods are mysterious.
Hamilton has a good story. He met one Jean Ross, age, 25, working on radio etc and mentioned me. She: Oh yes! I've known of him for many years. He: !?!? She: You see when I was a little girl Nurse used to say: Now, Miss Jean, you behave properly at once, or I'll fetch Mr Crowley to you.
I sent you a Manifesto yesterday—but it will have to be simplified some more.
When I say we are "safe" till Xmas, it doesn't mean that we can do much work, only that we can mark time. Which is bad.
There is one v[ery] important point. My eternal bronchitis was discovered—mostly by me—to be septic: I have a Bro. Mason here who is taking me to pieces, and the bronchitis is practically gone. But to put me together again—which must be done the moment I am cleaned up—needs gold and platinum. Otherwise I lose all my teeth, as dear Watson Turner wanted; and that would finish me. Needed, some RM 500.
Bill is still far from well—gets indigestion and insomnia for no ascertainable reason. Me too!
Must mail this quick.
93 93/93
Sonny Boy I am mad with A.C. Everybody much to annoy me—I am simply mad with every body because I can't pay important bill—and do not see a way out.
Your mother,