Correspondence from Bertha Busch to Gerald Yorke




Karlsruherstrasse 2.




[Undated: circa mid December 1931]



My dear boy,


I did want to write to you myself. I am alright again as far as health is concerned—I mean I have no time to be ill—but we do not know how to manage any further—I got Stories translated and am trying to get Mortaldello on to a Film—but mean while we have to live.


Do get after your friends to keep us going.


We can pay then as soon as one business is put over—and I am sure we will do it.


How can we work when we must expect to be on the streets in 3 weeks time—A.C. is very down hearted—I am afraid he will collapse—Then where will I be.


Hope for you to do your best.


Love yours mother Bill


