Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




[Undated: circa mid December 1931]



Where did you get that stuff about my arm? It was below the shoulder blade, and only missed a vital spot by millimetres. This afternoon I'm clear of the last bandage, I hope.


You'll get a copy of my will in a day or so. In case of catastrophe. A night's exposure would doubtless finish me, very promptly. You must look after Bill [Bertha Busch] in that event.


So very likely this is my last letter. I have thought for over two years now that my work would be sterile, as regards the succession, unless some man took the full responsibility as I did in '99 e.v. Germer [Karl Germer] has done so, if in a bad way; but he seems altogether unsuitable in every other respect. And you, who have all the obvious qualifications, do not understand "Ye cannot serve God and Mammon" and the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price and the Story of Ananias and all those other variations on the one theme which is so well known that one would have supposed it an axiom by now. Still you are qualified; and Karma will take care of your trouble.


P.S. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] will follow me in the O.T.O. Am writing him.


