Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Karlsruherstrasse 2.



Die [Thursday]

Dec 10 [1931].



C[are] F[rater]




Going on well: stitches out on Saturday.


Very interesting: it appears on enquiry from various sources that the Elemental Spirit of Korn has a sense of humour; it is his regular trick to let people go on without any obvious effect, and then suddenly remove all their personal reactions, so that they can (and do) do just anything that happens to occur to them. Quaint!


Everything here at a standstill. Bill [Bertha Busch] really ill these last 4 days. Terribly depressed mentally as well. The last ? of Bruning has upset the whole country. It is so childishly absurd that wise folk think that he is riding for a fall. I shouldn't be surprised at civil war breaking out almost any day. Our personal affairs are in a mess. No more cash in sight after Dec 22. As the Good Book says, "Merry Xmas!"


I think I could work Schiffer [Marcellus Schiffer] if Bill were well enough to do the intermediary. It's evident good sense to let down an international anchor out of the stem, and wait for the day. (See Acts 27).


Meanwhile two people we know both making good incomes have got the bailiffs in.


And when 10 per sent comes off wages, as it will on Jan 1, bar revolution—why revolution.


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I am nearly dead—[illegible] is it not—I do not hear [illegible] from Capt Ochs— —nobody loves me—


Your mother Bill [Bertha Busch].


