Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Karlsruherstrasse 2.




Die [Saturday]

12 Dec [1931].



C[are] F[rater]




The wound has not healed properly—to much ekker [?] before it was dressed! So another week is wanted—it got all twisted up.


But I take it as a message that I'm still wanted, as in the case of the Chinese pony. A quarter of an inch lower would have done the trick. I made my dispositions in case. Bill [Bertha Busch] is much better and more cheerful to-day. We have a very clear idea now of what to do and how to do it; but of course there's always the question of time and means. Germer [Karl Germer] dropped in to-day, most calm and amiable; the only trouble is that he argues exactly like a woman, with no hold of general principles.


The pamphlet game has been squelched by the last Notverordung. A crazy document—I think the Govmt is riding for a fall. This is where we get a chance with Mortaldello; the Royalists want films of this type as propaganda for the "good old days" of brilliant uniforms etc etc.


Stewart's [an attorney] trip to London is postponed; so his office in London will approach you. Please do you utmost to Persuade Lola [Lola Zaza Crowley] to be sensible.


Weather here gloomy as can be; always on the point of rain or sleet, with the temperature changing every half hour from muggy warm to bitter gusts of wind—Rotten! and we have to go out to-night to dine with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Ugh!


No other news. So long!


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