Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Karlsruherstr 2




[Undated: circa late January 1932]



Cara Soror 516,




I am just well enough to write. The $100 just saved us. But how are we to live through the month or to get a new place when we move from here on March 2, I dunno.


It's a strange thing, both Eckenstein [Oscar Eckenstein] and Allan Bennett martyrs to spasmodic asthma, and now I get it too (It's not so common.) But I'm worse off from all this privation. Conflictions! The GW [Great Work] has been a wonder, pulled me round with infinite skill and care. Only I'll have more really dangerous attacks if I'm not looked after really well at least till the warm weather comes.


Germer [Karl Germer] went completely insane. He went bust through crazy gambling on the Stock markets—sent Cora [Cora Germer] to his family in Leipzig—picked up a whore that he thought he could live with—we agreed, hoping she would cure his sex-mania—she couldn't—he suddenly wrote us the filthiest abuse—S.W. [Scarlet WomanBertha Busch] is prosecuting him criminally—he writes the worst lies about us to everybody—take no notice of him—we'll write you the length of his [jail] sentence. Sending [illegible] his dossier.


Delighted to have news of my old friend Aristophanes; he hasn't lost his grip has he? Smart guy to dodge your cops! But Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] must land a rich woman, and Vagina [Regina Kahl] a rich man. There's nothing in writing two [illegible]! V.[ery] weak; so break off.


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