Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Die [Saturday]

[Undated: circa January 1932?]



C[are] F[rater]




Your silence is once more becoming sinister!


Stewart [an attorney] expects to go to England next week. He is writing to you, asking to see you re Settlement [of the Crowley trust] and Divorce [from Maria de Miramar].


Karl [Karl Germer] went to Potsdam chiefly to dodge taxes, so he says; but he has started raving on the telephone. This had upset us again; we don't know what will happen next week. He really is the most accursed plague ever sent by God to harrow souls!


A friend of our actress has promised to put up R.M. 30,000 towards filming Mortaldello. But it will cost some 2,000,000. So we want to use the cash to form a preliminary company. Unluckily the "angel" has flown to Prague for some days. So of course this would be the moment for Karl to start worrying us again!


The fall of the £ makes it all worse. And not hearing from you is devilish depressing. Have you gone digging up corpses in church again?


Bill [Bertha Busch] moans a maternal blessing, but it's a very feeble moan!


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