Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
[Undated: circa January 1932]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
"One word more", as Browning says.
Has my pipe, that you took to have mended, been returned in its glory? If so, please let me have it.
M.K. (Soror I.W.E.) [Martha Küntzel]
writes that
There are some sables—perhaps with Regardie [Israel Regardie]—Bill [Bertha Busch] wants them.
If Grant and Cockburn won't make those breeches on tick, perhaps Meyer and Mortimer can do the job. I owe them some £25, alas! If you are on good terms with them, perhaps they will extend my credit on your representation.
This is 8.30 P.M. Wednesday, and no mail from you. You don't seem to realize what hell even a short delay means. Hamilton [Gerald Hamilton] had a stroke of luck and was helpful, or we should have been finished before now.
Important. Please telegraph me Uhland 81-93 immediately after you have seen Hamilton.
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