Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Oppenheimer [Solicitors]




49 Oxford Mansions





A. Oppenheimer & Co.

34 Queen Victoria Street






For the attention of Mr. Edwards.


Dear Sirs,


I have just glanced through Mr. Crowley's settlement of which I am one of the trustees. I am certain that it is outside our powers as trustees to touch in any way the capital involved. However on your sending me Mr Crowley's request, I will send it to the solicitors of the trust (Dennes & Co. of 22 Chancery Lane), and ask them to reply to you direct.


I am willing to obtain from Mrs. Crowley [Maria de Miramar] her views on the subject of a divorce, seeing that she refuses to communicate with her husband. But the lady is in a lunatic asylum, and under the circumstances I do not see how I can help, unless your client puts up a proposal which it is reasonable for the lady to sign. When I last saw her a few months ago, she said she wanted to be divorced from your client, that she did not want to have to write to him, and that she was willing for me to act as mediator. The lady has however been left stranded by her husband, and is being maintained by the State. Consequently your client's will and capacity to make some sort of settlement must be shown, before one can reasonably advise the lady to sign away her rights against a husband who is doing nothing to support her. In this I feel sure you will agree.


Yours truly.




