Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Jan 10 '32



C[are] F[rater]




Yours of 8th. Why in Hades couldn't you tell me that Lola had settled her reversion? Upon whom? If a reasonable business person, it might make it all easy.


Your kind suggestion to Jones [George Cecil Jones] is very sad. I have been getting £7 not £5 as you ought to know. And I have had advances, as you must know, which will prevent me getting any more at all till August or September.


We are nearly insane with worry. Insomnia (for the first time in my life) is dreadful. Never sleep till 3 or 4 a.m. but collapse suddenly at all hours of the day. It can't go on.


Yours of 7th. So there was no commercial value in W.S. Maugham's plays because it took him over 10 years to sell the first. None in your family business because it didn't pay from the start. Nothing in Charles II because he had to wander penniless half his life. Up to you to play General Monk! If you are willing to give yourself wholly to the G.W. [Great Work] I think things would be easy. The Germer [Karl Germer] trouble will open Cora's [Cora Germer] eyes, and we can get her to assent to a great business proposition. I should suggest giving the £200 to get to N.Y. to her friends, and (say) £20 a month till they can get her on her feet again. Then give her a fair share of the stock in the Syndicate. I bet she jumps at it!


I have my plans all laid out for Thelema. Like all writers, I don't show my work until it is ready. You only saw the draft of the New World pamphlet because at that moment it looked as if we could put it over simultaneously in England and Germany without delay. You seem to think that the proof of statesmanship is interminable scribbling in a hurry.


I think you fail to realize how thoroughly Germer baulked me here, in his insane sexual wish that I should have no friend or helper but himself. He made Bill's [Bertha Busch] task impossible; she could not dig up her rich friends without decent clothes to wear; this had been promised in September and then his madness gripped him again.


Incidentally, I think Schiffer [Marcellus Schiffer] and Krako [Jacques Krako] would come in, at least to some extent, if you showed them the way.


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