Correspondence from Bertha Busch to Gerald Yorke




Karlsruherstrasse 2.




Jan 24 1932.



My dear boy


At last I am able to write to you—I hope you are not to much upset—It is no good moaning—but things do look very bad—[illegible] not at least [illegible]—something has to be done—If you should agree in principle—do go to Capt Ochs—to have his advice—[illegible] it is best done without [illegible] to [illegible]—but I must confess it is very urgent—


We are out of everything—no tea—no tobacco—no rent payed—A.C. always ill—do wire at once that you are going to do it, then we can do the emergency steps to pull through.


Do not fail us—


Love your


Mother Bill [Bertha Busch]


