Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
2 Karlsruherstrasse (Still!)
Jan 26 [1932]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
That eater of birdseed [Lieutenant Colonel John Carter] should never have discussed me with you. Hamilton [Gerald Hamilton] leaves for London to-morrow night, and may probably call on you. If he should learn that I am as I was born, my usefulness would be over; and if he should even suspect that I have any relations with N[ick—Lieutenant Colonel John Carter] beyond pulling his leg, there would be work for you within a week or two with that embalmer. So please avoid discussing my politics, or, if forced to do so, say that you regard me as at least 80 per cent Bolshevik. Do please take this most seriously and be as cautious as you know how.[1]
I hear that Annie Besant is in senile dementia and moribund. She may die any day now. It is most urgent that I should be instantly and widely proclaimed as H.P.B.'s [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] legitimate successor. As to my reputation, I'm the Silent Martyr. Jesuit calumny is the shining token of my Mission. Throw yourself into this wholeheartedly, and we come right out of the Big End of the Horn—with Nick and all England too!—in two shakes of a rat's whiskers.
You can talk freely to Hamilton about my mission and the Law of Thelema; he can help with broadcasting the Proclamation. Only avoid politics like poison. He thinks that I want to use the T[heosophical] S[ociety] to help Communism. Encourage that idea.
Germer [Karl Germer] has let us down over Birven [Henri Birven]—made friends with him. And he has fled—probably over the Austrian frontier. We are enquiring.
Terribly nervous and anxious; but more hopeful. A favourable wire from you would save the whole show for good. Bill [Bertha Busch] sends maternal blessings.
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1—Note. Crowley was being paid by Col John Carter to report on Gerald Hamilton's Bolshevist activities. I never knew the details. But Crowley got one cheque for £50 out of Carter. G.J. Yorke