Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Hamilton





Please ring up Miss Watson Padd 6025, say you are coming to Berlin and what message can you bring to Mr. Hamilton.




Karlsruherstr 2



die [Wednesday]

[Undated: circa February 1932]







Sorry about the Plan[?]; but devilish glad of your other news. I hope our liverish friend is behind this movie; supplying you with funds and instructions; if so, say nothing; if not, see him before you start. In any case, be most frightfully careful what [. . . ] tobacco if you possibly can. Also that [illegible] mended yet? And I do hope Grant and Colburn[?] saw the light about the buckskin breeches. My one decent chance of getting health back is to make the best of spring, and walk in the woods.


Bill [Bertha Busch] out, trying to get a big flat for us all for March 1. There's a plan whereby she and I can live rent free.


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