Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
8 Feb [1932]
I sent Amexco £5 on account. Will you call and ask them to hang on till I can send balance. We must not lose that stuff. There is much of saleable value; also, a lot of my work on the practical application of Thelema. Just the stuff you reproach me for not writing now! It is utterly sickening to write year after year and never get beyond the typescript stage at best. After 12 years or so one gets a bit discouraged.
I cannot understand why you have not sent me Germer's [Karl Germer] lying letters about the morphine, to say nothing of some sort of apology from yourself for having believed such nonsense. Why do you call yourself my friend and spread all sorts of calumnies about me, even to strangers? And that without enquiry. Hamilton [Gerald Hamilton] was shocked at what you told him; it would alienate his support, which is [illegible] valuable, had he not known of his own knowledge that it was mostly rubbish.
Remember that we have Germer's secret malice established on his own confession. "I want to hate, to fight, to see blood"." I must play my father a dirty trick" etc etc—in old letters to I.W.E. [Martha Küntzel]—long before he knew me well. She has written me an admirable pamphlet re the T[heosophical] S[ociety] stuff. If only you were with [illegible] whole-heartedly for better or worse, we should be on top in 3 months.
Bill [Bertha Busch] much better all round for some time. I too bar some very grave attacks of asthma. Many letters to write.
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