Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
March 16 [1932]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
I am not really interested any more in this money; all I wanted was for you to free yourself. To know that you were fit to carry on after me.
But if it becomes available, I want it carefully handled. (Reasons given if required). It should be a joint account needing your signature and mine. After the first RM 1000 required instantly to get an apartment etc till end March, I should have cheques marked "Not over £50" signed by you and dated 1st and 15th of each month.
I hope to save 50% on each cheque and will put such savings into a special account as reserve or for emergency.
The main object of this is to save us both worry. It must not be possible either to anticipate the income or to risk its being attacked.
I want an official letter re Marie [Maria de Miramar] so as to clear up that part of the mess in London as far as can be done without jeopardising the success of the campaign.
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