Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Die [Sunday]

27 March [1932]



C[are] F[rater]




The enclosed letter is to be meditated with most intelligent energy.


You should not drag in A.C. and be negative and defensive; you should be active, and keel on "I must be independent, your fate is in my hands. I, I alone, can save the family, and I will, even if you hamstring me. But don't!"


Brussels writes that there is hope of £5000 to square you with Pontifex. But you must play your cards shrewdly. There is also good hope of my going to Paris—with expenses and a safe-conduct—early in April.


We decided not to approach H's men till we were in a decent flat. We found one.


bei Schönheimer.

Sybelstr 68

Bismark 2971


and move in on Thursday.


NOTE WELL! This means that the money must be here by Thursday March 31 at noon.


The muddle and delay (and halving the amount arranged) has been dreadful. Cost in actual cash at least R.M. 100 and may yet cost more. Worse, Bill [Bertha Busch] really broke down: she has behaved most admirably, but she wilted, poor kid: that last day was simply frightful. (I take it that the wire made you do something drastic; about 4 P.M. the bank rang up—after hours!—to say we could get the money if we called before 5. The events of that 3/4 hour are epic!) Not your fault; but oh! The point of this rigmarole is that the cash must be here on March 31 at latest.


I shall go on Tuesday to the Branch of the DRESDNER Bank which is near the new flat and tell them to expect £150 on Thursday. I shall then wire you the name of that Branch, so that the account can be opened directly on receipt of the money. Explain this carefully to your Bank, and see that it goes direct to Branch.


All this has been thought out most carefully, and other arrangements made to dovetail; so please do not try to improve.


You managed the Amexco business splendidly, because you acted promptly on instructions. (If you find the sable furs and my buckskin breeches, please send here at once!)


But: I have not got the Ephemeris. It doesn't matter; but, for all you knew it's immediate despatch might have been more important than any other item on your agenda. DO LEARN THIS! Consult those instructions again, and act on them with all diligence. Even if I make mistakes, it is better to go wrong than to turn the whole show into a welter of hopeless muddle by "improving" my plans.


H. [Gerald Hamilton] (I am pretty sure) has sold out to the French Secret Service. This may make my relations easier, or harder, with Nick [Lieutenant Colonel John Carter]—can't tell till I see Ham[ilton]. But it means at least that he will have some money, and facilitate his relations with us, at least on the surface.


We decided not to have him to live with us. Whether as a friend or an enemy, he will be easier to deal with if he is not in the house.


Be very careful please, not to assume that any letter or telegram from him has our approval. Also, in case of telegrams from me or Bill, we shall not (in future) sign Crowley, 666, Bill etc but the initials of the first five words of the telegram itself.


Never forget that H. is capable of getting us £100,000, or doing us out of a fiver. I do think that he has in fact a real moral reliance, esp. on Bill to look after him; but it would be insane to bank on this, as she is a little bit inclined to do.


On Tuesday I go to Dr Lubinsky—I feel he is a first-rate man—for a third operation. My nose is not yet anywhere near free, and I suffer a good deal from actual pain in my Pingala. (One would not believe there was room in one's head for all that junk). He will go on to my heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc etc etc until he forces me to make up my mind either to die or get better.


This is a long letter, but, ill as I am, it had to be written. And I do hope it will be read! And carefully! And acted on!


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Bill will write you herself when she feels like it.


