Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Mar 31 [1932]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Tuesday was my busy day!
Last week Germer [Karl Germer] had written to his lawyer a letter of the most foul abuse of Bill [Bertha Busch] and of myself, with absolute ditherings about Cefalú and so on; and sent it "accidentally on purpose" to Stewart!
Well on Tuesday morning, what should I get but a P[ost] C[ard] positively gushing with sympathy and friendliness!
At 10.30 I had a third big polypus out. There are still one or two to be done.
And the day ended by my being attacked by a gang of ruffians almost outside the Café Wein! I fought like hell, but they got me down at last, and I'm rather messy. Bill luckily escaped unhurt. I was robbed of my cane and some loose cash.
Stronghilos can have the Word [Word of the Equinox]. It ends [illegible]. I don't know the meaning; and have no books of reference here—will try later.
Understand your long letter O.K. I always thought the Order wanted you to make the Gesture (as I did) of being ready to die in the last-ditch. But I don't think you ought to surrender to others. Why should the Mex[ican] R[ailwa]y shareholders lose their best director over your wretched family squabbles? Have you no sense of Business Responsibility? I think too you altogether exaggerate your parent's feelings. They can't really care a damn—why should they? In your place, I should hold the old man up—as he is trying to hold you up, with his conditions. You can very easily smash him, and he knows it. And he would respect you for taking that line. He wants you to be tougher than he is himself. Family needs a Robber Baron!
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