Correspondence from Bertha Busch to Wilfred Talbot Smith
Sybel Str 68. Berlin Chharlottenberg.
1 Apr 32
Care Frater
Long ago I wanted to write to you—you were kind enough to cable the hundred at the most critical moment. Therion is never real well and I am very much anxious indeed about him. We hardly get a night real rest. Lately I made him go to a specialist. I do hope he will help him. He had 7 polpies taken out of his nose—but it has not removed his asthma altogether. I wonder how the Great Work shall go on. You people over there don't seem to have too much success either. Why don't you carry out instructions—think less of sex—get to business. A great man's life is at stake—think that we all need him alive—the world critical position must make us work all the more. We all have to do our duty now—to keep his body and soul together—if we do not want to fail.
Succeed we must—therefore please do anything you possibly can. Use [?] your sex but do not forget to go to business. We can not afford to lose the master though (sic) anybody's negligence.
Hope to hear from you soon.
93 93/93
S.W. [Scarlet Woman—Bertha Busch]
Yes: I do want to hear of your putting on the Gnostic Mass etc etc instead of these interminable escapades which Jane [Jane Wolfe] so furiously reports. But we need men and money.