Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Die [Monday]

[Undated: circa May 1932]



C[are] F[rater]




Letters from Walker more frequent and more friendly. I feel fairly sure that he will come in as soon as he understands more fully the scope of the Work, and provided that he is not put off by actual disaster. I think, too, that you could get him going at once by coming in yourself to the limit. There is a rush for Occult Films. They have even dug up Mary Shelley and Sheridan Lefanu from the limbo of the Regency! Rosenfeld is back, and I have put him on to selling either Moonchild, Across the Gulf, Ercildoune or something similar.


(It would all be as easy as lying—now Bill [Bertha Busch] has blazed the trail—if it were not for this sickening feeling that we shall be in the Grünewald on June 1.)


The picture business is really serious. Might swing the whole scale. Meanwhile who is to get the picture from Germer [Karl Germer]?


Shall try to see Dr. Horsch this week. But how can we tackle Reinhardt, when he gets back, without food or shelter? It is always you who writes "Remember! you have ten days from now, but not one minute more! Now do some real constructive work!!" The Common Hangman would have more sense—and decency.


Still we go on with the shot-drill.


Frau Schönheimer wants her rent paid punctually on the 2nd as is only right and fair. But we have also to consider getting out of here. If we could spend the summer reasonably near Walker, there would be good hope of financing the whole business properly: if he came in to manage it, he would make a fortune out of it. He really seems to understand general business principles, not merely his own routine. It is a good sign he is on his own, instead of following Papa.


I shall act as if this plan is settled, give Frau Schönheimer a cheque now, so that Barclays pay her on June 2; and I shall also give her notice, so that we can leave Berlin on July 1, storing what is not needed in case Sullivan comes along, or what not.


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