Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




68 Sybelste

Berlin Charlottenburg 4.



[Undated: circa May 1932]



C[are] F[rater]




The damnedest things are happening all round. See enclosed wire, arrived 24 hours or more later. How the devil did "Fosterei" get on it? Your wire "Hobbs ill" etc also went there—and this time we have not even got a copy yet! Bismark Fosterei is a Ranger's near Liebenvalde 40 or 50 miles away! And for all we know, subsequent wires may be lost. I never got the one with your decision.


Bill [Bertha Busch] is frightfully worried—can't even go out with her coat in hock! but I'm really serene, since I feel that you have got the ground under your feet at last.


I only sent the wire on Friday morning to make you feel completely free to choose: it would not do to tie yourself up completely to spare us a few days more-or-less hardship. Also £150 would only clear us till Whitsun, and it would be a desperate chance to make good before then. The need is 6 months' clean freedom from worry. (Hamilton [Gerald Hamilton] was to go to Paris this week and bring back his man to Frankfurt for a conference; but the business has fallen through or been postponed. Next thing is the Walkers on the 16th.)


Now listen! On the back of the telegram you will see a receipt for our first month's rent. I had to give a check on Barclay's Bank Piccadilly Circus Branch where my account is dormant.  Essential, then, to pay the equivalent of R.M. 290 by Monday morning—though I don't really expect it to reach so soon. Probably your best course is to go to them and explain personally—perhaps give your own cheque to meet it, deducting of course, from what you send us.


What about Cope [Stuart R. Cope of the Lecram Press]? Also the matters in my list which you took must be dealt with promptly as soon as this first finance is through.


The delay has been terribly wearing even to my hardened nerves. Were it not that I feel that my life's work has not been wholly wasted, I should be fed up!


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Bill sends her love, will write when she feels a bit better.


