Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke







Die   [Saturday]

[Undated: circa May 1932]



C[are] F[rater]




This practice is Mindfulness, and has nothing to do with either sex or religion. If you take Freud seriously, you can find filth everywhere—and filth you will find it.


The disgraceful conditions in England (to which you allude) will probably be ameliorated by the destruction of all the noxious nincompoops.


Hitler—I put up this proposal last September, and was ruthlessly snubbed. I think rightly so: I was at that time very ignorant of German conditions. Here he is regarded as a swashbuckler—and an alien at that.


Statecraft is not really an affair for a lot of bloody ruffians. Calm Wisdom is wanted now in the world as never before.


The atmosphere of a Training Camp must make for this. I am glad.


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