Correspondence from Bertha Busch to Gerald Yorke
Sybel Str 68. Berlin Charlottenberg.
May 20, [19]32.
Dear boy—
Thanks for your letter—but about suicide, is not—I do not agree—I am sure I would do it if the old man was no more—life has not been easy for me the last two years—but I had still resistance and a lot of courage enough for others as well—but the continual strain knocks one out in time—
I had a nice holidays—After promising my coat we were able to go to a friends place near Germer [Karl Germer]—Fang schleuse—We had real nice summer weather—and got both quite sun burned, only the time was too short, but it is [illegible] time— and I hope we'll go more often to the woods.
A.C. meant to sit down and answer your letter—but an attack of asthma prevents him at the moment from doing so—
Talking of courage—I do not think that have ever been in need of showing any—My life since worked in [illegible] easy times as you but I have seen success and know how to make money if there is any to be made, but nobody can expect that a [illegible] then one to put it there, but I am sure if everyone will do [illegible] can be put in its [illegible]—
Love yours
Bill [Bertha Busch]