Correspondence from Bertha Busch to Gerald Yorke




Sybel Str 68.

Berlin Charlottenberg.



May 23, [19]32.



Dear boy—


We had yesterday again a visit of the Art critic—at Brattkost[?]—He want to bring A.C. out in writing about him—mean while he has ask for his radio picture—for reproduction—where a radio paper—is especially interested in—and A.C. sat down to work immediately—to produce a new one—as the original is in the hands of Germer [Karl Germer]—He even brought another man along to see his works—they want to bring publishing [illegible] out them self—and think that A.C. works are the most interesting ones—they have [illegible] II Pictures [illegible] along—to have them put in the papers, he would have done so in [illegible]—if the exhibition had not been at the Porza—All serious people [illegible] the Porza as a swindling concern therefore they want [illegible] anything to do with them—


You see there again everybody did anything to spoil the [illegible]—when I told your respectable [illegible] of in postcard papers never  [illegible] not go near the place—nobody [illegible] to believe me at the time—therefore we have to work all over again—right from the beginning—bad management has brought us [illegible]—the only difference is then there was normally for [illegible] and [illegible] none.


May be it is fate—Had I [illegible] then—he would be known well enough in Germany by now—[illegible] in a incredible manner—there was nobody with a bit of business brain—nobody with the pluck to go and see the right people—A.C. could not speak the language and the other people could not speak even their own properly—I came in when the crash was as good as sure—and then people expecting the impossible—to see people—I was promised every help—the [illegible] to [illegible]—nothing was kept—all what was left for me—where money worries and the worry about A.C. health—besides that I got ill myself—which I should not have done—according to [illegible]—but as nature has only given me nerves instead of [illegible] I have to blame nature; not my self.


I do hope we can do something pretty soon—Hamilton [Gerald Hamilton] back but has not come back yet—but he is hoping—If there is anything to be done I shall be there—I do not mind how I make money as long it is honest—in the sense of the law—I have always loved working—even in my worst time of life—nobody can accuse me of easiness or ill will—


If I could see at this moment farer than any other I would show you how to make business and A.C. should not [illegible] any longer [illegible]. I still got [illegible]—I know he books are good—much better than [illegible] of any German writer—the public here is the right kind so it is up to us to do everything possible for him.


I do not know so much about [illegible]—I am thinking of his original shock—of [illegible] and the confessions are to read—[illegible] public—that is the only way—I am sure even [illegible] come round when he sees—[illegible] serious people are interested enough for his [illegible]—[illegible] hear soon.


love yours


Bill [Bertha Busch]


