Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
68 (still!) [Sybel Str 68. Berlin Charlottenberg]
May 25. [1932]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Just wired you "Barclay cheque dishonoured. Rectify telegraphically. BCDRT"
W[alker] and I now in vigorous controversy—he no longer uses the typewriter and shoots back quick. If I could go to Bonn for a few days I am pretty sure I could pull off something. Meanwhile still on a lee shore! And no fuel for the engines.
Oh for God's sake don't mess this up! Always so near success, and failures from exhaustion of reserves. It must not be.
I am not losing any sleep over W.T.'s troubles. The animal is an assassin. There is no need to pull out any of my teeth, with one possible exception. But there is a lot of work to be done. (Remember that I have neglected all these things ever since I left Paris, because I thought that I ought to save every penny for the Work. Except season '30 when I was forced by actual suffering to go to Murderer's Row—and got nothing but wrong diagnosis and attempts to bully me into a series of operations, totally needless, which would probably have been fatal). This new dentist is a really A.1. man: about £50 or £60 will put me in perfect shape for years to come. There is also the nose business—waiting till I'm well enough to have more snips.
Went through "Little Essays" [Little Essays Toward Truth] again yesterday—being much better from some sun-bakes—36° C in the shade here for 2 days!—to send to Walker. They need the preliminary introduction (on the Tree of Life) which you or Regardie [Israel Regardie] might do. Also the glossary, or explanatory notes. It's the sort of thing I can't do myself, not knowing the scope of the mind of the "gentle reader".
Bill [Bertha Busch] A.1. now—though it's hellish her still having to fight against swindlers who got a pull on us because we happened to be stony at end of Feb—sends love. But of course he Diathermy treatments have had to be stopped for lack of cash.
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