Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




68 (still!)

[Sybel Str 68.

Berlin Charlottenberg]



[Undated: circa 19 June 1932]




That Schweinerer was also imbecile—as usual. How true to form you always are[?]! Frau Schönheimer [Crowley's landlord] has left for foreign parts—so God knows when she'll get that £20. Had you sent it to me I could and should have handed it to her son direct.



C[are] F[rater]




I confess to more than a little elation. Professor Haas turns out to be an initiate of the deepest dye. A gentleman and a scholar—and the rest on top of it—blimey! yer cud a knock' me dahn wiv a fever!


Sorry I'm not clairvoyant enough to read what you meant to write and didn't—to read what you didn't mean to write and did took all my Magical Skill.


(By the way, you're a blasted liar about [illegible] for rent. But do see this: if you owe £x and receive £ x - y, you have to use what you have for the nearest urgency. And only the man on the spot can judge what that is.


I'll come over—now Schönheimer is placated (I hope) given adequate funds for the job and some reasonable purpose. The life of Frank Harris is distinctly an idea.


My dear Yorke junior, you haven't overcome your schoolboy ideas of honour, as you haven't outgrown certain schoolboy habits. That's the bloody trouble!


I ask you to read Vallum Abiegni vv 10-12 very carefully. Eq[uino]x I. 6 pp 24 sqq. And your psychology is all wrong: you'll hurt your people very much more by being the villain of a sordid tragedy. Your crocodile tears over Bill [Bertha Busch] will bring down the price of cigar-cases. Also, I never abused her, dear noble girl—Jesus Christ! if you had 1% of her loyalty and courage, we shouldn't have this fuss.


Your "suspicions" about my petty cash account were wrong—I wrote Bill details.


It is useless to keep on bleating that you haven't the money, because you have. (look out for injunctions, by the way, about that proposed trust swindle!)


You have got to do what you are sworn to do. If I had £100,000 I should use the £ to push you through the ordeal.


Bar the lawsuits you let us in for, there is now nothing urgent here. I can live on about R.M. 3 a day. Meanwhile, take care of Bill: my saving her is just as important as a Symbol to my present working as my saving you.


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