Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans
68 Sybelstrasse Blu Chelly 4 [?]
June 8. [1932]
Dear M.E.2
Delighted to hear from you. How did you get hold of £10, you bloated profiteer?
Jump into the first train and come here. I can put you up. I'm in touch with some good film people, but over here they don't know how well-known I am in Eng. and U.S.A. and if you came and talked to them, they'd jump at me. Especially as there is a run on "occult" films. They even dug up Sheridan Le Fanu and Mary Shelly!
You could help me, too, put my stuff into shape.
I'm perfectly convinced that we could pull it off, and the minute we had a contact here, we could blow back to London and do bigger stuff with the idiots there.
But it would be senseless for me to drop all my work here—just as it's going well—and arrive at the Fitzroy without the price of a drink. Besides, I'm daily with a dentist, and weekly with a man who digs things out of the middle of my head. And there are real good hopes of selling films here—possibly plays too. But you know how helpless I am in that direction myself. I simply can't force myself to push my own work. Never could.
So take a chance in Berlin!
Wire me when you arrive: you get out at the Zoo station.
Yours ever
Aleister Crowley