Correspondence from Gerald Hamilton to Karl Germer






[8 June 1932]



It is a long time since I have seen Mr. Crowley and I do not wish to mix in his affairs at all. He has, however, written, asking me to convey a message to you, which I am ready to do, in view of the importance he attaches to the matter. I cannot, however, act as a permanent imtermediary, having really neither desire, nor leisure for such work. I feel sure you will understand this. The message is this:

He has been trying for a long time, to make Yorke [Gerald Yorke] get £1000 out of the family business to pay off Mrs. Cora Germer. Now Yorke's father wants him to put all his capital into trustee's hands. This might prevent his ever paying off the amount. Mr. Crowley feels that if you would write to Yorke at once, possibly threaten him with an injunction, this would have great effect. Crowley would also feel obliged if you would transfer all his pictures in storage into his name.

