Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
68 [Sybel Str 68. Berlin Charlottenberg]
June 13 [1932].
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Yours of Friday 12 P.M.—only reached me this a.m.! Wish to heaven I could come over. But I have my nose to-morrow, and no money left, bar eating for about 3 days. Nor can I leave till Klaussner is settled, and the girl paid her wages. Also Schönheimer is pressing vigorously for balance of rent—about £13. Also I must arrange about the lawsuits.
You would understand my letters better if you took the trouble to read them. I read over yours three or four times at least before I answer.
By "starting on my travels" I mean that if things don't clear up in a day or two I get a rucksac and start to walk to London. The North Sea (or German Ocean) must take its chance. It will be difficult to instruct Dennes.
When you write of Bill [Bertha Busch] having changed my mode of life, the salty tears well to my eyes unbridled. You know, there are moments when I almost like you for being such an ass!
Now listen! I will not meet Beaverbrook except to horsewhip him. But I will not seek him out for this purpose; still less, intrigue for a professedly friendly interview. It must be a chance meeting.
If Bill persuades him to make reparation for his crime, all right: I won't stand in the way of Justice. But a million won't purge his offence; when and where I see him I go for him. Get me?
What is the use of being 8º=3o if one were worried about the tragedy of one's personal position? V.V.V.V.V. thinks: are we sure of developing a winning attack by the sacrifice of the Knight A.C.? 666 doesn't give one poor unfriended fart for anything but the establishment of the Law of Thelema. As soon as you get these facts in your skull, you will be an acceptable Candidate.
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