Correspondence from Martha Küntzel to Bertha Busch




21 June [19]32.



     Dear Bill [Bertha Busch]


Yes I got your letter. I would have written all the same, because Dr. [illegible] wrote to say you would have to be here [illegible] personally on the 2nd July, as the [illegible] against Germer [Karl Germer] was to be there. I think it is of most urgent necessity that you should be here, as your absence would only be wind in Germer's sails. I enclose the letter.


A.C. left yesterday for Cologne and [illegible] to be able to go at once to London after he had met Walker—which, of course, is only [illegible].


Tell him I was at Dr. [illegible] yesterday. Frau Matten [illegible] to any more payment than what is deposited but the last year's fee is to be paid—half on 15th [illegible] half on 15th August. Altogether 74 M. It is however necessary that she C. signs this obligation of payment, at the latest next week, as there is to be a [illegible] at the beginning of July. I think it was the [illegible]. Now if these 74 M would be paid before that the whole bother were finished.


So soon as you can send any money, do so. It would clear one part of the [illegible] here [illegible] necessary!!


V that is; he wants more but my [illegible] is going to stand on this first-names [illegible].


Frau [illegible] was here with her [illegible] on Saturday while A.C. was out                   but she had talked to him already the day before. They seemed to be greatly satisfied that I was here during both your absences as a power, but one of no financial value, I'm afraid.


I do wish Yorke [Gerald Yorke] would help me with a few pounds while I am here—to the end of the month, as I don't know yet how and whether I can manage to stay on. [illegible] all events—not in the flat!—And I want at least the girl to be paid, before I leave. I promised Frau [illegible] to have the couch repaired so I have to have a little more than the £7—in worst—Seventy-seven Mark—[illegible] at present—And I don't know yet how to get home. Tell him that perhaps he is willing to do that for me.


Cheer up, Dear Bill. I'm sure A.C. will be with you—when this letter arrives maybe!


And do try to be back for the 2nd July. I see just now that I haven't got your address. You ought to give it always with [illegible]. So I shall ask Yorke to forward it to you.








