Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Albemarle Court



Aug 16 '32.



C[are] F[rater]




I do not tell lies or evade things. Kerman [Isidore Kerman] has the Power from Karl [Karl Germer], and I wrote Cora [Cora Eaton] direct for one from her. It should arrive next mail.


We are being thrown out to-day, unless something happens. My man says he hasn't got the money yet—disappointed about some due from Scotland. Has gone for a few days rest. Bill's [Bertha Busch] proposition had gone completely up the spout. Her nerves have gone very badly and she is constantly in pain. You could have fixed it easily.


It would really break my heart if you deserted us all—this includes Cora. Family or no family, you can't let your friends starve. I would live in a hovel; but I owe it to you all to put my work over big, and to do that I must have conveniences.


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P.S. Bill's job is not with a "landlady". It's to manage one of the most beautiful houses in London as a guest-house. On present basis she is to pay £200, gets food and shelter for one year, and takes half the net profits. Of course, if it goes well, better terms or buying new house.  666.


