Correspondence from Violet Hunt


Otto Kyllmann [Constable & Co., Publishers of Laughing Torso]



[Correspondence concerning Constable & Co.'s preparation for the libel suit brought by

Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]




80 Campden Hill Road West




Private & Confidential



[Undated: circa October 1932.]



Dear Mr. Kyllman,


Will you give me a copy of Nina Hamnett's book [Laughing Torso] and in return I believe I could be of some use to you in the case, if it comes on? I can't believe that a man with "20 mortal murders on his crown," so to speak, should venture on an action and I think it is bluff.


I knew him quite well and he has just taken a flat belonging to a friend of mine. Mrs. Fenton in Leicester Square, no. 20. The telephone is Park 5152 ([illegible], she has kept the ground floor flat very tiny, and lives there, when she is not in the country). They—there is a supposed [illegible]—have were here in three days and already borrowed £10 off her in the way of paying [illegible] and lending. She is Austrian and does not know much of English. They have taken it by the month in advance. If they give her no excuse to throw them out, they have an option for six months—but fancy they will do a bunk, quite soon and leave bills all over! I know enough about Crowley and so does Somerset Maugham and Miss Gwen Otter [Gwendolen Otter] of 27 Marquetta Terrace [illegible] he was [illegible] hers.


If this can be of any use—I shall be glad. Let me know—I know I mayn't buy the book but I believe you can give me one.


Violet Hunt


