Correspondence from F.C. Winchester to Constable & Co., Ltd. [Publishers of Laughing Torso]
[Correspondence concerning Constable & Co.'s preparation for the libel suit brought by Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]
F.C. Winchester. 9 St. Aubyns, Hove, Sussex.
Messrs Constable & Co
October 21st 1932
Thanks for your enclosing remittance for copies of CONFESSIONS of A. Crowley [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley].
My friend, who has just taken over a Bankrupt Stock, has found another copy.
You can have it for 8s = 9 post free.
I believe it was published at £2 = 2 = 0, apparently Crowley's Publishers do not fare very well. He suggests (in his book) that one of his publishers was an unmitigated rogue.
Could you kindly let me have the name and address of the Authoress of the Laughing Torso and oblige.
Yours faithfully
F.C. Winchester