Correspondence from Dion Fortune to Israel Regardie
Fraternity of Inner Light (Western Esoteric Tradition) 3. Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater, London, W.2.
Nov. 14th. 1932.
Dear Mr. Regardie,
I enclose the letter and its envelope I sent to you so that you may see its travels and perhaps be able to prevent other of your letters from meeting with the same fate.
I am at work now on the review of your two books, and am extending the scope of it to cover the sources of the system and the repercussions your Books of Revelation are likely to have in the occult movement.
If only Mr. Strutton does not 'Cut' me too much, there ought to be interesting developments. I suppose you know you have given away the old 'Golden Dawn' system, lock, stock and barrel? It is guarded by oaths with the most appalling penalties. I trust you have not been slain by invisible forces! There will be some very angry folk in certain quarters. However, what you have said, badly wanted saying; I have done a certain amount myself in that direction, but not as much as you have. You have made my discrete contributions look like the day after the fair!
I hope the opportunity for us to meet will occur in the not too remote future.
Yours sincerely,
Dion Fortune