Correspondence from Dion Fortune to Israel Regardie
Fraternity of Inner Light (Western Esoteric Tradition) 3. Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater, London, W.2.
Nov. 16th. 1932.
Dear Mr. Regardie,
I am so glad you like us, because we liked you! I hope your visit will be the first of many, for there are some interesting things we could discuss together. I do so much laying down of the law to those who simply sit at my feet and open their mouths that it is a great pleasure to meet someone to whom I can talk 'on the level'.
It would be very interesting if we could do some practical work together; the equipment and conditions are here for the undertaking. We must meet again in the near future and discuss possibilities.
Very much thanks for your kind words about my Qabalah article. You are perfectly right about the spelling, and I must see what can be done in the future, but it is very difficult to alter a sound with which one has become magically familiar. The Qabalah article was written before I had read your book.
Your point on Eheih being in the future tense is very interesting; it certainly suggests the dynamic idea of becoming rather than the staticism of pure being, which properly belongs behind the Veils of Negative Existence.
I appreciate your offer of help in Qabalistic matters, and shall take you at your word if ever we are in difficulties in that respect. I should like you to read the typescript of my 'Mystical Qabalah' when it is finished.
No, I had no thought whatever of spying in connection with you, and hope that you had none in connection with my interest in A.C. [Aleister Crowley], for whom I have a sneaking regard. I wish one could do something for him without burning one's fingers over him. Something ought to be done for the kidney condition you describe. It is absolutely an occupational disease of magicians. No ordinary doctor can treat it.
With kindest regards, in which my husband joins me,
Yours very sincerely,
Dion Fortune