Correspondence from F.J. Romanes [Charles Whittingham and Griggs, Printers of Laughing Torso] to Otto Kyllmann [Constable & Co., Publishers of Laughing Torso]
[Correspondence concerning Constable & Co.'s preparation for the libel suit brought by Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]
Chiswick Press Charles Whittingham and Griggs (Printers), Limited Ten Staple Inn, London, W.C.1
O. Kyllman, Esq., Messrs. Constable & Co., Ltd., 10 & 12, Orange Street, Leicester Square, W.C.2.
22nd November, 1932.
Crowley v. Constable & Miss Hamnett
In a letter from Messrs. Waterhouse & Co. received today, we are told that Counsel "also pointed out that the time had come when it is necessary for you to consider whether you wish to be represented by your own Solicitors".
We have no wish to be represented separately by anyone in this case. You will call to mind that our reader queried these very passages in the book when the book was going through, and we received instructions to print.
We, therefore, feel that we did all that is required in such a case, and rely on your goodwill to indemnify us from all costs in the matter.
I should be glad if you would let me know what to reply to Messrs. Waterhouse in due course.
Yours sincerely,
F. J. Romanes