Correspondence from R.W.M. to Aleister Crowley





December 23/32



Dear Mr. Crowley,


In reply to yours, I'm sorry I have not replied before. In the first case I gathered from our conversation that you would be in Manchester shortly and somehow I expected to hear from you asking me to meet you in Manchester.


Regarding the other matter my mind has been in a hopeless state of chaos, since I saw you last, but it would be too lengthy and too boring to you for me to attempts to describe same. However perhaps in a day or two matters may have adjusted themselves somewhat when I will write you again or better still I must try and come to see you and discuss which would be much better. In passing I would like to add that my reason for asking was anyone else likely to take the big venture was; that naturally one is drawn towards anyone with interests in common, and I would have liked to have met them secretly if same demanded it. I myself feel full of it, and would like to converse with someone. I'm sorry I appear negligent in the matter of my reply I apologize.


Wishing you the seasons greetings,


Yours faithfully



[380] [14. 'Additional Cases', 2. with notes and corrections by G.J. Yorke]