Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




24 May [1933 ?]



Good for M and M.[1] But don't forget little Sulka and your old flame Ma Lewis. Or even my £15,000. You really do stink a bit after Carey Street; quite a lot of talk round London. I may have to issue a statement: it is the psychoanalytic facts which explain your infamy.


Thanks for your admission that you "were not surprised". Exactly; you were the chief cause of the [bankruptcy] proceedings, as was made abundantly clear. I do think you will shortly learn that cowardice, treachery and dishonesty do not always pay, even in the rotten state of things we have reached.


I shall be glad to see your record: and have hopes.



1—My tailors. I had written from China that I declined paying for clothes ordered by Crowley. G.J. Yorke.


