Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[On the paper of The Queens Hotel. Leicester Square.]
16 June 33
Hot here as with you! Gorgeous! But I do think I should come to Los A[ngeles] this fall. I am very good at getting people to do things, and my prestige is a good pull. So don't be distracted. Keep on very steadily at the Mass [Gnostic Mass] etc as you are doing.
Send me lots of good photographs, not just snaps. Arrange for illustrated Magazine Articles. Get people interested in me personally; make them want to see me; get an agent to fix me with a lecture contract.
Then you won't have to waste 8 hours a day in an office. My presence, too, will attract a different class of people; and, even if I only have a couple of months there, I can fix you up for good.
Your news is most encouraging, 100, or even 80 people—can't you get them to put up 1 dollar or even 50 c a head a time for a fund to bring me over. Look up what it costs. I should want to come via Panama.
Well show 'em the Gospel of the Pentagram to replace the Foursquare Church that flopped.
I'm very busy with the Sunday Despatch[1]—cuttings next week. Thank Jane [Jane Wolfe] for her letter which I'll answer if I ever get the time to have it interpreted by a Sibyl! Why can't she write intelligibly? But so far as I do understand, she seems to have had some good experiences—tell her!
Love to you all and Blessing from all Gods and Goddesses!
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1—Three articles about Crowley were published in the 18 June 1933, 25 June 1933, and 2 July 1933 issues of the Sunday Dispatch.