Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Isidore Kerman





June 22 [1933]



Dear Kerman,


Sorry to bother you at home, but time presses.


I had no trouble at all in selling for you from the stock


  to Foyle [bookstore] 400 Book 4 Pt I £ 20  
  to Watkins [bookstore] 100 Book 4 Pt I £ 5  
  to Watkins [bookstore] 30 Book 4 Pt II £ 3  
    £ 28  


I hope this will be enough without further to-do for the Jarrolds case. I particularly want to avoid approaching Jayne until that £25 is paid back.


So I will call at your office at 10.30 on Monday morning to proceed with the affidavit etc.


Yours  sincerely,


Aleister Crowley.


