Correspondence from Hohn M. Watkins to Isidore Kerman [of Forsyte, Kerman & Phillips]
John M. Watkins, Publisher and Bookseller, 21 Cecil Court. Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2.
30th June 1933
Messrs. Forsyte, Kerman & Phillips, 9, Carlos Square, Grosvenor Square, W.1.
Dear Sirs,
We have your letter of yesterday's date.
Herewith cheque value 5.8s. in payment for one hundred copies of Mr. Aleister Crowley's Book 4. Part 1. and four copies of Book 4. Part 2.
We shall be glad to have the remaining twenty six copies of Part 2. which Mr. Crowley said he had seen, as soon as you find them.
Yours faithfully,
John M. Watkins.