Correspondence from Isidore Kerman [of Forsyte, Kerman & Phillips] to Vardon & Corfield
4th July, 1933.
re: Aleister Crowley
Dear Sirs,
Mr. Crowley has called upon us with regard to his last interview with you.
He is at present quite unable to pay you the sum of £25 as you suggested, but negotiations which he has on might prove successful, in which case he might be able to pay you a substantial sum on account.
We can honestly say that no good purpose can be served by taking Bankruptcy proceedings, and in the circumstances, if these proceedings were issued, our Client would not resist as we have advised him that it cannot affect his position in any way, nor can it affect any damages which he might get as a result of any libel action. As you know these would not form part of his estate in bankruptcy.
Yours faithfully,
Messrs. Vardon and Corfield, 26 Old Burlington Street, London. W.1.