Correspondence from Unknown to Aleister Crowley





Undated [6 July 1933 ?]



Dear Sir and Wor Bro,


Thanks for your letter July 5 and the 4 vol safely to hand. I have read through the first and into the 2nd. So far I think they will be of great help to me in a better understanding of this life etc. within me, as every real thing to be of any use must have a Centre and the more you have to offer the more you receive. What a remarkable life yours must be. I regret not seeing your further articles in the Despatch, but I can quite understand what it might be to reveal some of the things that seem dangerous in the eyes of some people. Some day I hope to meet you I am 67 years 24 Sept 1866 my number Cherio says is 6.


Member of Royal Arch

Ark Mariner

P.M. of Mark Lodge

W.M. [Worshipful Master] of Newlin [?]


I enclose snap of me facing camera when a fortnight ago took ladies to Windsor etc. Masonic outing wee I remain yours fraternally.



[380] [14. 'Additional Cases', 2. with notes and corrections by G.J. Yorke]