Correspondence from Mary E. to Aleister Crowley
14/7/33 [14 July 1933]
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for your letter of 9th July. I have been considering this matter since then and have decided that I should like to see you, as you suggest and have your estimate of the probable cost of this treatment before I embark on it at all. I am naturally longing to try this but we are not well off and I don't want to start on a course of treatment which may be far beyond my means. May I come and see you on Tuesday 25? or one day that week not Wednesday or Monday or if this will not suit you any day in the following week? Many thanks for writing to me as fully as you did.
Yours sincerely.
Mary . . . .
[380] [14. 'Additional Cases', 2. with notes and corrections by G.J. Yorke] |