Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Mr. F. Covell (Withers & Co. Solicitors)




[Undated: circa August 1933]



Dear Sir,


I enclose copy of a bill which I have just received from Messrs. Dixon, and the draft of a letter which I wrote the 19/3/31 and to which I believe they sent no reply.


The history of my dealings with Messrs. Dixon is that in I think 1928 I stored with them in my name a vast quantity of books belonging to Mr. Crowley, contained on page 4 section 2 of my answer to Mr. Crowley's writ. The books in question were stored in my name. I enclose draft of a letter which I wrote them 19/3/31 denying liability for the account after 31/12/31. To the best of my recollection I cleared off the account up to that date.


Sometime in August 1932 I gave Mr. Crowley a note or else wrote to Messrs. Dixons that the goods once stored in my name should be held to the account of Mr. Crowley whose property they were.


Now out of the blue comes a bill for £77 odd for transactions which have occurred to Mr. Crowley's order whilst I have been in China. I deny responsibility and refuse to pay. All accounts since my departure for China in October 1932 have been rendered direct to Mr. Crowley and I see that on May 2 he paid something on account. Had they written me sending in an account before I should at once have denied all responsibility.


In I think August of 1932 when I was still in England they rendered me an account which I refused to meet and handed to Mr. Crowley. Mr. Crowley then paid them something on account himself. The account was then I believe some twenty pounds.


I have not answered their account dated 31/7/33, which through an oversight on the part of my brother in England I only received yesterday. Will you please write them strongly on the matter and handle it for me.


