Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[On the paper of The Queens Hotel. Leicester Square.]
10 Aug [1933]
Yours of July 24. I quite understand how you feel. But your own figures disprove your case. Call fare £60. That is £120 return—I'm not going to chance being stuck. Then £80 is not much for 2 or 3 months living. And that leaves nothing for my preliminary expenses here, before I can leave at all. (There's nearly everything in hock, and would be finally lost if I just went off.) Nor is there any provision for business expenses, necessary if success is to be more than a wild fluke. It's taking a grave risk to start even on 1000 dollars; I'd take it, because I think it's the right thing to do. But it would be utterly insane just to jump off.
All the same, if you can collect 250 dollars or so, as I may be able to pull off something here. In fact, if I do, as I hope to do this week or next, I shall just rip across. Alternatively an extra 250 dollars might just make up enough to encourage me to risk it. When it happens wire.
I enclose a note for Estai [Jane Wolfe]. Love to Vagina [Regina Kahl] and all.
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