Correspondence from Unknown to Aleister Crowley





Aug 28/33 [28 August 1933]



Dear Sir and Wor Bro,


I see you want to make money out of secrets etc., my idea was to help others without fee you get better results where happiness comes in. My brother was appointed by Conan Doyle as healer in Cape Town but no payment was demanded by him from his patients.


If I live to be 100 I want to die young just like my grandfather who was 100 years. I feel today like a young man and full of energy but with my people you could not make any impression and I am not investing my money in what you propose and besides you with all your knowledge of Magic etc. could demand all the money you require. With my small amount of knowledge I get what I require why not you that I think is so far advanced in the spiritual world.


Yours fraternally



[380] [14. 'Additional Cases', 2. with notes and corrections by G.J. Yorke]