Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




1746 N. Winona Boulevard [1]

Los Angeles, California



January 7, 1934



Dear Karl,


I can't tell you how glad I am to hear from you again! I got all pepped up over the note received by Smith [Wilfred T. Smith], with its signature. But Wilfred was sure the envelope was addressed by Yorke [Gerald Yorke], and an examination of your former signatures never revealed 2 dots as did this one. Yes, we did get the Mass [Gnostic Mass] going and numbers of people have witnessed the ceremony.  Some few have taken communion. And the spectators have noised the Mass round about; we hear remarks from all sorts of places, some quite unexpected and surprising. But beginning November our audiences began melting away; two or three faithfuls only have shown up in December. So Regina [Kahl] is brainstorming the highways and by-ways once more, seeing and being seen, and she has a commanding personality; no one would ever pass her by.


Meantime she is performing Liber V vel Reguli for 93 days.  Leota [Leota Schneider] is meditating [on] things putrid and rotten, and I am nearing the conclusion of Liber Astarte. If all this doesn't "knock 'em cold", what will?


Outside of this work, a few earthquakes, devastating fires, floods and other little oddments, life flows serenely on.


Your letter, received yesterday. "Starting a sort of business" is highly unsatisfactory.  I hope you realize that, Mr. Germer! There are heaps of other unsatisfactory items, too, I might mention. For instance, What is the lawsuit about? And who are "we"?


Where is Regardie [Israel Regardie?] Where is Gabriel Dee? Where is Yorke? Are they the "we", or are there others included in that "we?" Please remember that I am a female, earthy, and bursting with curiosity. Also, that my appetite is ravenous—in case I need remind you of the fact.


I yield you the occasion for answering these questions, but nothing more. Be ye warned, for have I not a potent little wanga in my belt? A female wanga! And she has a way with her.


Leota asks to be remembered to you. You know our hearts are with you, all the time. May good good fortune attend you.







1—The address of Agape Lodge at the time.


