Correspondence from Charles Harper [Waterhouse & Co., Solicitors for Constable & Co.]


Michael Sadleir [Constable & Co., Publishers of Laughing Torso]



[Correspondence concerning Constable & Co.'s preparation for the libel suit brought by

Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]




Waterhouse & Co.


10 & 12 Bishopsgate,

London, E.C.2.



7th February 1934




Dear Sadleir,


Thanks for your letter of yesterday.


I have read The Banned Lecture and I do not think there is anything in it which attention need be drawn. Counsel will probably ask him whether he was to lecture before the Oxford Poetry Society on 3rd February 1930 and whether the lecture was banned. But to anyone who has read WHITE STAINS and THE CONFESSIONS [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] the lecture is mild enough besides being a pointless ramble. So I return it herewith.


I am sending this by hand at the next opportunity so that it cannot get mislaid in the post. Please acknowledge receipt.


If we have another consultation with counsel, which is likely, perhaps you will bring it with you.


Yours sincerely,


Charles S.J. Harper




Michael Sadleir, Esq.,

10 & 12, Orange Street,

Leicester Square,



